STIP Federal Approval Letter

Date Processed NO. ADOT / COG / MPO DESCRIPTION NOTES Date Approved by the FHWA/FTA Processed By
11/06/2012 91 NACOG Modifications to HSIP projects & one NAIPTA project. Approved by the NACOG Regional Council October 25, 2012. 11/20/2012(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
10/29/2012 89 SEAGO Miscellaneous modifications to highway and sign replacement projects in the 2013-2017 SEAGO TIP. Approved by the Executive Board October 26, 2012. 11/20/2012(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
10/30/2012 88 PAG Miscellaneous modifications to both Highway and Transit Projects. Approved by PAG Regional Council October 25, 2012. 11/15/2012(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
10/26/2012 87 FMPO Two awards received by NAIPTA - 5308 Clean Fuels Program funds in the amount of $1,240,000, requiring $210,800 Local match (for replacement fleet) and 5309/5318 Bus Livability in the amount of $3,100,000, requiring $527,000 Local match (for expansion fleet). Approved by FMPO Executive Board September 26, 2012 & Octobr 24, 2012. 11/20/2012(FTA) Lupe Harriger
10/19/2012 86 ADOT Miscellaneous new projects & modifications. Approved by State Transportation Board on October 19, 2012. 11/1/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
10/01/2012 85 PAG FY 2013-2017 PAG TIP Amendment #1. Approved by PAG Regional Council September 27, 2012. 11/15/2012(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
09/27/2012 84 MAG Amendment & Administrative modifications to FY 2011-2015 MAG TIP. Approved by MAG Regional Council September 26, 2012. *11/1/2012(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
09/10/2012 82 ADOT Miscellaneous project modifications & new projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board September 10, 2012 at a special telephonic meeting. 10/4/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
09/10/2012 81 YMPO YMPO TIP Amendment #6 as described in the attached request letter to include an update to the transit TIP. Approved by the YMPO Executive Board August 30, 2012. 11/1/2012(FHWA)
Mark Hoffman
09/04/2012 80 MAG MAG TIP Amendment #19. Approved by MAG Regional Council August 30, 2012. 10/4/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
08/17/2012 79 ADOT Various Projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board August 17, 2012. 8/22/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
08/02/2012 78 WACOG WACOG 2013-2017 TIP. Approved by Management Committee & Executive Board July 17, 2012. 10/4/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
07/30/2012 77 MAG Miscellaneous modificatios to the FY 2011-2015 MAG TIP. Includes Highway, Transit & Administrative changes. Approved by MAG Regional Council July 25, 2012. 8/22/2012(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
07/20/2012 76 ADOT Establish a new project; I-15, Virgin River Bridge #6, STR #1619. Approved by the State Transportation Board July 20, 2012. 8/22/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
07/12/2012 75 YMPO TIP Amendment 5. Approved by the YMPO Executive Board June 28, 2012. 8/22/2012(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
06/27/2012 74 ADOT FY 2013 & 2014 project modifications in the new FY 2013-17 Five-Year Transportation Facilities Construction Program. Approved by the State Transportation Board June 15, 2012. 7/26/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
06/18/2012 73 WACOG TIP Amendment #4. Approved by WACOG Management Committee & Executive Board June 14, 2012. 7/26/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
06/15/2012 72 PAG PAG TIP Amendment #1. Approved by PAG Regional Council June 14, 2012. 7/26/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
06/06/2012 71 ADOT Amendment to add the City of Yuma Ave 3E Corridor project from Gila Ridge Rd to 24th St to FY 2012 using CBI funding. Approved by YMPO Executive Board April 29, 2012. 7/2/2012(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
05/29/2012 70 CAAG Amend CAAG TIP to reflect additional FY 13 STP project, increase funding for 2 FY 12 HSIP projects, move 2 HSIP projects to FY 14 and various administrative adjustments. Approve by CAAG Regional Council May 9, 2012. 7/2/2012(FHWA) Charla Glendening
06/01/2012 69 SEAGO Add approved reimbursement of TE funds for the City of Douglas Paseo De La Amistad Multi-Use Pathway Project DGS12-15. 7/2/2012(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
06/28/2012 68 MAG Miscellaneous amendments & administrative modifications. Approved by the MAG Regional Council June 27, 2012. 7/26/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
06/15/2012 67 ADOT Various projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board June 15, 2012. 7/26/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
05/18/2012 66 ADOT Various new projects and project modifications. Approved by State Transportation Board May 18, 2012. 6/15/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
05/24/2012 65 MAG Miscellaneous amendments & administrative modifications to Highway & Transit projects in the MAG Region. Approved by the MAG Regional Council May 23, 2012. 6/15/2012(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
05/04/2012 64 ADOT ADOT Transit projects. not recvd(FTA) Lupe Harriger
05/02/2012 63 WACOG Miscellaneous project modifications. Approved by WACOG Executive Board April 9, 2012. 5/31/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
05/01/2012 62 FMPO Modifications to HSIP projects. Approved by FMPO Executive Board March 28, 2012. 5/31/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
04/30/2012 61 NACOG Miscellaneous project modifications, includes one budget increas, two deleted projects and two new projects. Approved by NACOG Regional Council April 26, 2012. 5/31/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
04/26/2012 60 MAG Amendments & Administrative Modifications to the FY 2011-2015 TIP & FY 2012 ALCP. Approved by MAG Regional Council April 25, 2012. 5/21/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
04/20/2012 59 ADOT Various new projects and project modifications. Approved by the State Transportation Board April 20, 2012. 5/14/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
04/11/2012 58 YMPO YMPO TIP Amendment 3 to remove the City of Somerton Ave B and County 15 HSIP project from 2013 and 2014, adding Juan Sanchez Blvd construction project to 2016 and add the Cocopah Tribe Chapay St design and construction in 2012 and 2013 using Public Land Highways Discretionary funds. Approved by YMPO Executive Board March 29, 2012. 5/14/2012(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
04/09/2012 57 SEAGO Changes to the SEAGO 2012-2016 TIP as described in the amendment request. 5/14/2012(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
04/02/2012 56 MAG Various ALCP, Non-ALCP & Transit project modifications. Approved by MAG Regional Council March 28, 2012. 5/21/2012(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
04/02/2012 55 PAG PAG TIP Amendment #6 and #7. Approved by PAG Regional Council March 29, 2012. 5/21/2012(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
03/16/2012 54 ADOT Miscellaneous new projects and project modifications. Approved by the State Transportation Board March 16, 2012. 5/14/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
03/02/2012 53 NACOG Various new HSIP Projects, HRRRP Projects, one Bridge Project & three miscellaneous project modifications. Approved by NACOG Regional Council February 23, 2012. 5/14/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
02/29/2012 52 CAAG Amend CAAG FY2011-2016 TIP. Various HSIP, TE projects. Approved by Regional Council January 25, 2012. 5/14/2012(FHWA) Charla Glendening
02/28/2012 51 MAG MAG Amendment #12 & Administrative Modifications. Approved by MAG Regional Council February 22, 2012. 3/21/2012(FHWA) Bret Anderson
02/21/2012 50 SEAGO Update the SEAGO TIP to include State TE projects, program new projects, change in fuding amount, program year and funding source for identified projects. Amendment approved by SEAGO TAC January 25, 2012, Administrative Council February 3, 2012 and Executive Board February 17, 2012. 3/21/2012(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
02/21/2012 49 ADOT Two new projects & miscellaneous project modifications. Approved by the State Transportation Board February 17, 2012. 3/21/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
02/10/2012 48 WACOG WACOG FY 2012 TIP Amendment #2 Approved by WACOG Executive Board February 9, 2012. 3/21/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
02/06/2012 47 FMPO Two awards of section 5307 funds to NAIPTA; $388,000 for operating assistance & $2,688,000 for Hybrid Electric Bus. Approved by FMPO Executive Board January 25, 2012. 2/9/2012(FTA) Lupe Harriger
02/01/2012 46 MAG Various Highway & Transit Projects in the MAG Region. Approved by MAG Regional Council January 25, 2012. 3/21/2012(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
01/27/2012 45 PAG Various project modifications & new projects. Approved by PAG Regional Council January 26, 2012. 3/9/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
01/20/2012 44 ADOT Various projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board January 20, 2012. 2/10/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
12/16/2011 43 ADOT Various projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board December 16, 2011. 1/11/2012(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
12/13/2011 42 CAAG Amendment to add Highway Safety Improvement Projects, Safe Routes to School and administrative adjustments. CAAG Regional Council appoved this request at their September 28th meeting. At the request of ADOT, numerous administrative adjustments were suggested prior to processing the amendment. All recommended changes have been made. 2/10/2012(FHWA) Charla Glendening
12/13/2011 41 PAG FY 2012-2016 PAG TIP Amendment #4. Approved by Regional Council December 1, 2011. 2/10/2012(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
11/06/2011 40 SEAGO Multiple updates to the SEAGO TIP as described in the attached request. Approved by Executive Board November 30, 2011. 12/15/2011(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
11/18/2011 39 ADOT Miscellaneous project modifications. Approved by the State Transportation Board November 18, 2011. 12/15/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
11/17/2011 38 CYMPO FY 2012-2016 CYMPO MTIP, Amendment #3 Approved by CYMPO Executive Board November 16, 2011. 12/15/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
11/10/2011 37 ADOT Miscellaneous local project modifications & a transit project. Approved by PAG Regional Council October 27, 2011. 12/13/2011(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
11/08/2011 36 FMPO FMPO FY 2012-2016 TIP with minor modifications. Approved by Executive Board June 22, 2011. not recvd(FHWA)
not recvd(FTA)
Lupe Harriger
11/07/2011 35 WACOG WACOG TIP Amendment #1 & FY 2012-2016 TIP Approval. Amendment #1 was approved by Executive Board October 13, 2011 & FY 2012-2016 TIP was approved June 9, 2011. 11/22/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
11/02/2011 34 ADOT City of Holbrook - McLaws Rd (modification of project limits) & Town of Camp Verde - Finnie Flat Rd Sidewalks (Administrative Adjustment); add design & R/W & minor budget increase. Approved by NACOG Regional Council October 27, 2011. 11/22/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
10/28/2011 33 MAG Various highway and transit projects in the MAG region. Approved by MAG Regional Council October 26, 2011. 12/13/2011(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
10/24/2011 32 SEAGO Multiple updates to the SEAGO TIP as described in the attached request. 11/22/2011(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
10/21/2011 31 One new project & one budget increase. Approved by the State Transportation Board October 21, 2011. 11/16/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
10/05/2011 30 YMPO TIP Amendment 2 includes adding two Safe Routes to School (SRTS) projects to 2012, adding the Yuma County Avenue E Extension CBI project to 2012, deleted the 2012 Yuma County South Frontage Road project and added the federal funding to the same project in 2013, added the City of Somerton Avenue B HSIP design project to 2012, added the City of Yuma 22nd St HSIP project to 2013 and increased the federal funding for the City of Somerton Ave B intersection HSIP construction project in 2013. Changes to the YMPO Transit TIP include expanding project descriptions with ALI's for each year. 12/13/2011(FHWA)
Mark Hoffman
10/11/2011 29 MAG Arterial Life Cycle Program (Local) project modifications. Approved by MAG Regional Council September 21, 2011. 11/16/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
09/23/2011 28 PAG TIP Amendment #2 and request the
inclusion of FY 2012-2014 into the
FY 2011-2014 STIP
Approved by PAG Regional Council September 22, 2011. 11/16/2011(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
09/15/2011 27 ADOT New projects & project modifications. Approved by the State Transportation Board September 16, 2011. 9/23/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
09/07/2011 26 CYMPO Fain Rd SR-69 - 89A Widening, apply $122,202 of CYMPO STP Approved by Executive Board September 6, 2011. 9/23/2011(FHWA) Charla Glendening
08/23/2011 25 SEAGO Request to amend the STIP with the SEAGO 2012-2016 TIP. 9/23/2011(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
08/23/2011 24 ADOT Tusayan/Grand Canyon Bus Shelters, Admin & Capital (5320) & Navajo Transit 40' Replacement Bus 9/21/2011(FTA) Lupe Harriger
08/18/2011 23 ADOT Various modifications and New projects. Approved by State Transportation Board June 17, July 15, and August 18, 2011. 8/22/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
08/12/2011 22 WACOG WACOG TIP Amendment #4 - HSIP project modifications. Approved by Executive Committee August 7, 2011. 8/22/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
08/01/2011 21 MAG Various Highway & Transit Project in the MAG Region. Approved by MAG Regional Council July 27, 2011. 8/12/2011(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
07/25/2011 20 MAG Highway projects in the MAG Region Approved by Regional Council May 25, 2011. 8/12/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
07/25/2011 19 NACOG Revised FY 2012-2016 NACOG TIP. Approved by NACOG Regional Council June 23, 2011. 8/12/2011(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
06/30/2011 18 MAG Various Highway Projects & 1 Transit Project in the MAG Region. Approved by MAG Regional Council June 29, 2011. 8/12/2011(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
06/23/2011 17 FMPO To program lapsing transit funds received by NAIPTA from CYMPO. Approved by FMPO Executive Board June 22, 2011. 7/14/2011(FTA) Lupe Harriger
06/20/2011 16 ADOT Modifications to projects and subprograms in FY 2012-2014 (2012-2016 Five-Year Transportation Facilities Constuction Program). Approved by the State Transportation Board June 17, 2011. 7/21/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
06/20/2011 15 ADOT New FY 2011 projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board June 17, 2011. 6/27/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
06/16/2011 14 ADOT ADOT Transit projects. 9/21/2011(FTA) Lupe Harriger
06/13/2011 13 WACOG TIP Amendment #3. Approved by the WACOG Executive Board June 9, 2011. 6/27/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
06/10/2011 12 PAG TIP Amendment #10 (Items A thru E) Approved by PAG Regional Council June 9, 2011. 6/27/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
06/06/2011 11 MAG Miscellaneous Local Highway Projects & Transit Projects. Approved by MAG Regional Council May 25, 2011. 6/27/2011(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
05/23/2011 10 FMPO Changes in Tables 3 & 6. Approved by the FMPO Executive Board May 16, 2011. 6/7/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
05/25/2011 9 SEAGO SEAGO TIP 2011-2015 Amendment #2 request to add projects as follows:

2011; Graham Cty 8th Ave, Graham Cty Reay Lane, Davis Rd Assessment/DCR (CBI), Davis Rd design, ROW, construction (HPP), Safford 20th Ave design & environmental

2012; Safford 20th Ave ROW acquisition, Santa Cruz Cty Rio Rico/Pendleton intersection design, Sierra Vista Wilcox Dr pavement replacement

2013; San Carlos Tribe Route 193
6/7/2011(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
05/18/2011 8 YMPO Request to amend the YMPO 2011-2016 TIP to add awarded CBI projects to 2011 and new projects to years 2012 and 2014. 6/7/2011(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
05/23/2011 7 ADOT New projects and one budget revision. Approve by the State Transportation Board May 20, 2011. 6/7/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
05/02/2011 6 MAG Highway project modifications & Arterial Life Cycle Program TIP changes. Approved by MAG Regional Council April 27, 2011. 5/11/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
04/29/2011 5 NACOG City of Show Low - new, FY 2011 design of Whipple Rd; Coconino Co - new, FY 2011 HRRR project on Leupp Rd; Coconino Co - budget increase to HSIP project, FY 2011 Lake Mary Rd ($600K); Williams Unified School District - new FY 2011, Williams Elementary/Middle School SRTS project; and NAIPTA - new Transit Table to include Section 5309 funds for replacement vehicles for the Cottonwood-Sedona commuter service. Approved by NACOG Regional Council April 28, 2011. 6/7/2011(FHWA)
Lupe Harriger
04/27/2011 4 PAG PAG TIP Amendment #9. Approved by Regional Council April 8, 2011. 5/11/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
04/19/2011 3 CAAG Amend 2011-2016 TIP to relect changes to FY11 program, and adjustment of previous FY11 projects to outer years. Approved by Regional Council March 23, 2011. 5/11/2011(FHWA) Charla Glendening
04/15/2011 2 ADOT New Highway Projects approved by the State Transportation Board April 15, 2011. 5/11/2011(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
03/31/2011 1 SEAGO Request to amend the SEAGO 2011-2015 TIP to include projects identified in Amendment 1 as approved by the SEAGO Executive Board February 18, 2011. Added the Davis Rd, MP 13 project to 2011 and the TE Round 18 projects. SEAGO approval; TAC - January 21, 2011, Adminisrative Council - February 4, 2011, Executive Board - February 18, 2011. 5/11/2011(FHWA) Mark Hoffman

*"stamped" approval; attachments will only include signed letters when received