STIP Federal Approval Letter

Date Processed NO. ADOT / COG / MPO DESCRIPTION NOTES Date Approved by the FHWA/FTA Processed By
03/08/2006 1 PAG Various Includes PAG TIP Amendments 1-6 04/04/2006 Sandra Gilbert
03/08/2006 2 CYMPO Various Includes CYMPO TIP Amendments 1-2 04/04/2006 Sandra Gilbert
03/20/2006 3 FMPO Various Includes FMPO TIP Amendment 04/04/2006 James Zumpf
03/23/2006 4 ADOT Various New projects & changes to existing projects 03/28/2006 Lupe Harriger
03/27/2006 5 NACOG TE Projects Include Round 13 TE Projects (2) 04/10/2006 James Zumpf
04/11/2006 6 PAG Various Includes PAG TIP Amendment #7 05/05/2006 Sandra Gilbert
04/13/2006 7 MAG Various Projects Include a Bridge Scour and ITS Projects 05/05/2006 James Zumpf
04/13/2006 8 MAG Various Projects Include (3) three new transit projects   James Zumpf
04/25/2006 9 WACOG Beaver Dam Bridge Adding Project to WACOG 5yr TIP 05/05/2006 Ysidro Solima
05/03/2006 10 YMPO Various Projects Include YMPO TIP Amendment 06/19/2006 Bret Anderson
05/17/2006 11 CAAG Various Include CAAG TIP Amendment 05/24/2006 Bret Anderson
06/13/2006 12 MAG Various RARF Funded Studies 06/16/2006 James Zumpf
06/15/2006 13 PAG 2 City of Tucson projects 6th Ave/18th St Int & Park/Euclid
07/07/2006 Lupe Harriger
07/05/2006 14 PAG Various Projects (FTA & FHWA) TIP Amendment #9 07/14/2006 Lupe Harriger
07/24/2006 15 SEAGO 8th Ave. Safford Bridge Assist in the construction of bridge 07/27/2006 Rudy Perez
08/03/2006 16 YMPO HES project Yuma County Safety Project   Charlene FitzGerald
08/03/2006 17 YMPO FTA Table 9 Transit Budget 08/17/2006 Charlene FitzGerald
08/09/2006 18 ADOT Various & SB projects Updated FY 2007 projects 08/16/2006 Lupe Harriger
08/24/2006 19 MAG Various CMAQ project ITS, sweepers, multi-use paths 09/11/2006 Dianne Kresich
08/24/2006 20 MAG Three transit projects Light rail and other projects   Dianne Kresich
09/06/2006 21 ADOT Various Various 09/13/2006 Lupe Harriger
08/29/2006 22 MAG Transfer FFY 2006 CMAQ funds to FTA from FHWA TIP #s RPT07-325TR, CHN05-501TR & VMR06-477TR 08/30/2006 Jim Dickey
09/08/2006 23 YMPO Table 12A Border Infra Structure   09/28/2006 Charlene FitzGerald
10/12/2006 24 TRANSIT Various Transit Programs 5310 & 5311   Matt Carpenter
12/07/2006 25 YMPO FTA Table 8 and 9   Charlene FitzGerald
12/07/2006 26 SEAGO 8th Ave. Safford Bridge High Priority funding and additional BR funds 12/19/2006 Charlene FitzGerald
12/14/06 27 ADOT SR 90 @ Moson Road HES project   Lupe Harriger
01/16/07 28 ADOT Various Updated FY 2007 projects   Lupe Harriger