Date Processed NO. ADOT / COG / MPO DESCRIPTION NOTES Date Approved by the FHWA/FTA Processed By
1/22/2018 53 ADOT Projects approved by the State Transportation Board on January 19, 2018 1/29/18 FHWA Bret Anderson
12/6/2017 50 MAG Projects Approved at the MAG Regional Council on December 6, 2017. Roadway Projects only no Transit 12/15/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
11/29/2017 49 ADOT Projects approved by the State Transportation Board on 12/17/17 12/20/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
11/16/2017 48 CAG CAG FY18 - FY28 TIP Amendment #1 Amending 8 Projects 12/15/2017 FHWA Jason Bottjen
11/2/2017 47 CYMPO 3 Projects Approved by CYMPO  November 2, 2017 11/20/17 FHWA / FTA Dan Gabiou
11/17/2017 46 ADOT Projects approved by the State Transportation Board on November 17,2017 11/20/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
10/31/2017 45 YMPO YMPO FY2018-2022 TIP Amendment 1 approved by the YMPO Executive Board on September 28, 2017.   Amendment 1 includes adding one off-system birdge project to the unfunded section of the TIP and updating the YMPO Transit TIP table. 12/15/2017 FHWA / FTA Mark Hoffman
10/20/2017 44 ADOT Projects approved by State Transportation Board on 10/20/2017 10/25/17 FHWA Bret Anderson
10/6/2017 43 WACOG WACOG FY2018-2022 TIP Amendment #2 approved by the Regional Council on September 21, 2017 to amend TRACS #T0095: Mohave County – Pierce Ferry Rd CBD Project    10/25/17 FHWA Jason Bottjen
10/3/2017 42 PAG Construction Phases.   10/25/17 FHWA / FTA Mark Hoffman
9/28/2017 41 MAG Various Transit and Highway Projects approved by MAG Executive Committee on September 27, 2017 10/12/17 FHWA / FTA Bret Anderson
9/14/2017 40 SCMPO Mutiple changes including changing fund types to HURF EX, adding HSIP projects to the TIP Parking Lot and deferring an ADOT sponsored project FY16 - FY25 SCMPO TIP Amendment #10 10/12/17 FHWA / FTA Jason Bottjen
9/7/2017 39 ADOT List of Illustriative Projects 9/14/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
9/15/2017 38 ADOT Various Projects Approved by the State Trasnportation Board on 9/15/2017 9/21/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
8/28/2017 37 YMPO YMPO 2014-2018 TIP Amendment 16 approved by the Executive Board on July 27, 2017 to update FY18 in the Transit TIP table to include project changes in the  5307, 5310, and 5311 funding programs Mark Hoffman
08/18/2017 36 MAG Various Transit and Highway Projects approved by MAG Executive Committee on August 14, 2017 8/21/2017 FHWA / FTA Bret Anderson
08/18/2017 35 ADOT Various Projects Approved by State Transportaion Board on 8/18/2017 8/21/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
07/07/2017 34 MAG 2018-2022 MAG TIP Approved at MAG Regional Council on July 26,2017 08/04/2017 FHWA / FTA Bret Anderson
06/26/2017 33 YMPO YMPO 2014-2018 TIP Amendment #15 approved by the YMPO Executive Board on June 22, 2017.  07/03/2017 FHWA Mark Hoffman
06/26/2017 32 SEAGO SEAGO 2017-2021 TIP Amendment #5 approved by the Executive Committee on June 1, 2017.  07/03/2017 FHWA Mark Hoffman
06/29/2017 31 MAG MAG Tip Amendment #   Projects approve at MAG Regional Council on June 28,2017  Includes SR-347 Project. 06/26/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
06/09/2017 30 ADOT Wrong Way Driver Warning System 06/21/2017 FHWA   Bret Anderson
05/31/2017 29 PAG PAG FY 2017-2021 TIP Amendment #5 approved by the Regional Council on May 25, 2017.  06/28/2017 FHWA  Mark Hoffman
06/16/2017 28 ADOT Various Projects Approved by the State Transportation Board on June 16, 2017 06/28/2017 FHWA  Bret Anderson
05/24/2017 27 MAG Various Highway Projects approved by MAG Regional Council on May 26,2017 06/28/2017 FHWA  Bret Anderson
05/15/2017 26 YMPO YMPO 2014-2018 TIP Amendment #14 approved by the YMPO Executive Board on April 27th, 2017.  06/01/2017 FHWA Mark Hoffman
05/02/2017 25 MAG Various Transit and Highway Projects approved by MAG Regional Council on April 26,2017 TBD FHWA / FTA Bret Anderson
04/28/2017 24 NACOG Increase funding for Town of Clarkdale HSIP project. 05/09/2017 FHWA Dan Gabiou
05/19/2017 23 ADOT Various Projects Approved by the State Transportation Board on May 19, 2017 05/24/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
04/27/2017 22 CAG CAG Amendment to add funds to SZ068 and advance SZ150 from FY18 to FY17. 06/01/2017FHWA Jason Bottjen
04/21/2017 21 ADOT Multiple Projects approved by the State Transportation Board in a meeting on April 21,2017 05/04/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
03/29/2017 20 MAG Projects Approved at the MAG Regional Council on March 29,2017 05/02/2017 FHWA / FTA Bret Anderson
03/27/2017 19 PAG PAG FY 2017-2021 TIP Amendment #4 approved by Regional Council on March 23, 2017.  Amendment includes changing programed year and total project cost to one project with TIP ID 48.14. 04/19/2017 FHWA Mark Hoffman
03/20/2017 18 SCMPO SCMPO TIP Amendment #6, approved by the Executive Board on March 14th, 2017. 05/02/2017 FHWA / FTA Jason Bottjen
03/15/2017 17 CAG Funding For two Projects in the CAG region   03/22/2017 FHWA Jason Bottjen
03/17/2017 16 ADOT Various Projects Approved at the State Transportation Board Meeting on 3/17/2017   03/22/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
03/07/2017 15 SEAGO SEAGO 2017-2021 TIP Amendment #3 approved by the Executive Committee on February 24, 2017. Amendment includes adding additional federal funding to six projects and changing program years to two CMAQ funded projects   03/22/2017 FHWA Mark Hoffman
02/28/2017 14 YMPO YMPO 2014-2018 TIP Amendment #13 approved by the Executive Board on February 23, 2017. Amendment includes adding funding to four projects and moving the construction phase for two bridge projects from FY18 to FY19.   03/16/2017 FHWA / FTA Mark Hoffman
02/22/2017 13 MAG Various Projects approved by MAG Regional Council on 2/22/2017 Transit and Highway Projects 03/16/17 FHWA / FTA Bret Anderson
02/17/2017 12 ADOT Various Projects Approved at the State Transportation Board Meeting on 2/17/2017   02/27/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
02/8/2017 11 SVMPO SVMPO FY2017-2021 TIP Amendment 1 approved by the Executive Board on January 26, 2017. Amendment includes removing the Buffalo Soldier resurfacing project from FY17 and FY18 and adding a replacement bus purchase to the Transit TIP.   03/16/2017 FHWA / FTA Mark Hoffman
01/25/2017 10 MAG Highway Projects Approved by MAG at the Regional Council on 1/25/2017.   02/07/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
01/30/2017 9 PAG PAG FY2017-2021 TIP Amendment #3 approved by Regional Council on January 26, 2017. Amendment includes adjusted funding amount on 11 transit projects, adjusted funding amount on two school safety projects, added one new bridge project and adjusted funding to one road widening project. Pending  FHWA / FTA Mark Hoffman
01/26/2017 8 CAG TIP Amendments to the CAG FY2017 – FY2027 TIP approved by Regional Council on January
26, 2017.
  02/27/2017 FHWA Jason Bottjen
01/23/2017 7 ADOT Various ADOT projects Approved by STB on 1/20/2017   01/24/2017 FHWA Bret Anderson
11/02/2016 6 NACOG FY 2017-2023 TIP was vetted by the public input process including the NACOG Technical Subcommittee on 10.4.16 and the Regional Council on 10.27.16.   02/06/2017 FTA / FHWA Dan Gabiou
01/10/2017 5 SCMPO SCMPO TIP Amendment with 15 requested actions; approved by SCMPO Executive Board on January 10, 2017.   02/07/2017 FTA / FHWA Jason Bottjen
12/9/2016 4 MAG MAG projects approved at the Rgional Council on December 7, 2016   02/07/2017 FTA / FHWA Bret Anderson
12/16/2016 3 ADOT Various ADOT projects Approved by STB on 12/16/2016   01/13/2017 Bret Anderson
12/01/2016 2 WACOG Addition of Design Phase with Federal STP / Local Match Change in Construction Phase date to FY-18   01/05/2017 Dillon Kennedy
10/31/2016 1 ALL Amendment 1-8 have been combined as STIP amendment number 1 for the 2017-2021 STIP   01/11/2017 Bret Anderson