STIP Federal Approval Letter

Date Processed NO. ADOT / COG / MPO DESCRIPTION NOTES Date Approved by the FHWA/FTA Processed By
02/19/2014 64 ADOT Various ADOT Projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board February 14, 2014. 3/11/2014(FHWA) Mary Hewitt
02/12/2014 63 WACOG Various project changes. Move to STIP amendment 2014_001. not recvd(FHWA) Matt Carpenter
02/11/2014 62 MAG This is the 32nd amendment to MAG FY 2011 - 2015 TIP. MAG proposed administrative amendment and amendments to projects by ADOT, Avondale, Chandler, Fountain Hill, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Maricopa County, Paradise Valley, Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, and Valley Metro/RPTA projects. MAG Board TIP amendment approval occurred on 01/29/14. 2/18/2014(FHWA)
Anson Gock
01/29/2014 61 FMPO Table 5: Transit Projects:

Increase funding for the Kaspar facility expansion project due to updated cost estimates by recognizing recent grant awards, both to be obligated in FY2014, namely:
o FY2013 5307 award of $688,274 matched by $172,069 in local funds, and
o Federal 5339 competitive grant award of approximately
$2,271,171 matched by $576,793 (due to recipient status these appear in the State TIP).

These have the effect of changing the total unfunded amount in illustrative year FY2018 to $2,825,452 federal and $706,363 local.
Approved by the FMPO Executive Board January 22, 2014. 2/25/2014(FTA) Justin Feek
01/23/2014 60 ADOT Various ADOT Projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board January 17, 2014. 2/20/2014(FHWA) Debbie Mayfield
12/18/2013 59 FMPO On December 11, 2013, at a special meeting, the FMPO Executive Board approved
the following amendments to the FY14-18 TIP, including FY 13 activities, for review and approval (see attached list).
A tentative FMPO TIP amendment on October, 2013 by FMPO Board was included as a part of this amendment. 2/18/2014(FHWA) Justin Feek
12/16/2013 58 ADOT Various ADOT Projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board December 13, 2013. 2/20/2014(FHWA) Anson Gock
12/10/2013 57 PAG Amendment #6 is to the PAG 2014-2018 TIP and was offically approved by the PAG Regional Council on December 5, 2013. 12/18/2013(FHWA) Matt Carpenter
12/09/2013 56 MAG This is the 31th amendment to MAG FY 2011 - 2015 TIP. MAG proposed administrative amendment and amendments to projects by ADOT, Buckeye, Chandler, Glendale, MAG Regionwide, Phoenix, Tempe, Tolleson, Scottsdale, Surprise, Valley Metro/RPTA and regionwide 5310 Phoenix-Mesa urbanized area projects. MAG Board TIP amendment approval occurred on 12/04/13 and this amendment included several regionwide 5310 projects. 12/11/13: Needs MAG revision before Scott Signature for ADOT STIP Amendment Letter. 2/18/2014(FHWA)
Anson Gock
12/05/2013 55 SEAGO Amendement 2 to the 2014-2018 SEAGO TIP as described in the attached amendment request and approved by the SEAGO Executive Board on December 5, 2013. 2/20/2014(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
11/14/2013 54 ADOT Various ADOT Projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board November 8, 2013. 12/18/2013(FHWA) Mary Hewitt
11/04/2013 53 PAG Approved by Regional Council on October 24, 2013 to amend the PAG FY 14-18 STIP (using 2013-2017 until adopted). Amendment includes both highway and transit projects. 12/10/2013(FHWA)
Matt Carpenter
10/29/2013 52 MAG This is the 30th amendment to MAG FY 2011 - 2015 TIP. MAG proposed administrative amendment and amendments to projects by Nobody's Perfect, Chandler, Chandler Gilbert Arc, The Centers for Habilitation, STARS, United Cerebal Palsy, One Step Beyond, Arizona Spinal Cord Injury Assoc., Marc Center, Hacienda Healthcare, Valley Life, Benevilla, Gompers, Beatitude, Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Valley Metro/RPTA and Valley Metro Rail. MAG Board TIP amendment approval occurred on 10/23/13 and this amendment included many 5310 projects. 12/10/2013(FHWA)
Anson Gock
10/09/2013 51 CAAG 2013-2016 TIP Amendment to add projects, delete projects and move projects to later fiscal year. Approved by the Regional Council September 25, 2013. 12/10/2013(FHWA) Charla Glendening
10/11/2013 50 ADOT Various ADOT Projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board October 11, 2013. 12/18/2013(FHWA) Debbie Mayfield
09/30/2013 49 PAG Approved by Regional Council on September 25, 2013 to amend the PAG FY 14-18 STIP (using 2013-2017 until adopted). Amendment includes both highway and transit projects. 12/10/2013(FHWA)
Matt Carpenter
09/13/2013 48 ADOT Various ADOT Projects. Approved by the Transportation Board September 25, 2013. 12/8/2013(FHWA) Debbie Mayfield
09/16/2013 47 MAG This is the 29th amendment to MAG FY 2011 - 2015 TIP. MAG proposed administrative amendment and amendments to projects by Avondale, Chandler, ADOT, Gilbert, Lichfield, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Valley Metro/RPTA and Valley Metro Rail. To close out FFY 13 Year end funds of approsimately $12.9M. 9/18/2013(FHWA)
Anson Gock
09/04/2013 46 NACOG Removing projects (SED 14-004) & (CCN 11-005) and adding project (CCN 14-008) to the FY 2013 - 2016 NACOG TIP 12/18/2013(FHWA) Anson Gock
08/15/2013 45 ADOT Various ADOT Projects. Approved by the Transportation Board August 15, 2013. 9/4/2013(FHWA) Debbie Mayfield
08/12/2013 44 MAG This is the 28th amendment to MAG FY 2011 - 2015 TIP. MAG proposed administrative amendment and amendments to projects in Avondale, ADOT, Glendale, Peoria, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Scottsdale, Surprise, Tempe and Valley Metro. MAG proposes the TIP amendment date on Aug. 21, 2013. Requires FHWA and FTA approval (Total CMAQ Fund Transfer: $9,208,358) ADOT action to transfer CMAQ-2013 fund of $5,308,358 and CMAQ 2013 Arterial Life Cycle Program fund of $3,900,000 for transit projects. 8/22/2013(FHWA)
Anson Gock
06/18/2013 43 FMPO The FMPO Executive Board took action on June 12, 2013 to amend the FY 13 TIP (Table 3) to flex an additional $51,000 in regional STP funds to the transit program. Improvements for shelters, signs and poles already have requisite clearances through the FTA for FY 13 and are listed under ALI Code 11.32.10. The full request is for:

F31307 - NAIPTA Passenger Shelters, Signs and Poles, $124,000 in OA. The attached Table 5 of the TIP regarding regional transit projects will be simultaneously amended.
This amendment was delayed due to being submitted with a large number of other requests tied to the HSIP program and other STP projects. This amendment is being processed separately from the other amendments for sake of expediting. 8/26/2013(FHWA)
Justin Feek
08/01/2013 42 WACOG WACOG TIP Amendment #5 Approved by the WACOG Executive Board 7/25/2013. 8/26/2013(FHWA) Matt Carpenter
07/17/2013 41 PAG Adding FY 14-18 PAG TIP and it's first amendment to FY 13-17 ADOT STIP. Approved by the PAG Regional Council May 23, 2013. 8/1/2013(FHWA)
Anson Gock
07/22/2013 40 CYMPO Increase STP funding for SR 89 Deep Well Ranch to South Chino Valley limits from $18M to $25.2M. Approved by Executive Board July 17, 2013. 7/31/2013(FHWA) Charla Glendening
07/12/2013 39 ADOT Reserved for ADOT projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board July, 2013. 7/31/2013(FHWA) Anson Gock
07/02/2013 38 MAG This is the 26th amendment to MAG FY 11 - 15 TIP. It includes both amendment and administrative modification to ADOT, Chandler, El Mirage, Fountain Hill, Gilbert, Glendale, Litchfield Park, MAG, Mesa, Maricopa County, Peoria, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe and Valley Metro projects. Approved by the MAG Regional Council June 19, 2013. 8/1/2013(FHWA)
Anson Gock
06/27/2013 37 CAAG CAAG 2013-2016 TIP Amendment - various STP, HSIP and SRTS projects. Approved by the CAAG Regional Council June 14, 2013. 7/31/2013(FHWA) Charla Glendening
06/20/2013 36 WACOG WACOG TIP Amendment #4. Approved by the WACOG Executive Board June 13, 2013. 7/31/2013(FHWA) Matt Carpenter
06/10/2013 35 FMPO - Eliminates project F31204 - Adaptive Control System Technology Pilot Project, programmed for $75,000. City of Flagstaff has elected to fund the Study.

Adds projects reflected in the FY 14 Work Program to use FY 13 OA dollars for the following two studies: F31305 - Operations & Maintenance Efficiency Study, $225,000 and F31306 - Regional Transportation Plan Preparation, $100,000

Adds project F31307 - NAIPTA Passenger Shelters, Signs and Poles, $73,000 in FY 13 OA to flex regional STP funds to the transit program for improvements to shelters, signs and poles using funds from the Adaptive Control Signal Technology project eliminated as part of this amendment.

Adds $45,000 in FY 13 OA to design costs for F61105 - Beulah Bike Lanes
The FY 12 $1,707,000 dollar loan to ADOT reflected in the attached STP TIP table is subject to confirmation with ADOT finance and will not be processed as part of this TIP amendment. 6/24/2013(FHWA) Justin Feek
06/14/2013 34 ADOT Various ADOT Projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board June 14, 2013. 6/24/2013(FHWA) Bret Anderson
05/28/2013 33 MAG MAG Amendment No. 25. Approved by Regional Council May 22, 2013. 6/14/2013(FHWA) Bret Anderson
05/29/2013 32 PAG Amendment #7 to the FY 13-17 TIP. Approved by the PAG Regional Council May 23, 2013. 6/24/2013(FHWA) Matt Carpenter
05/31/2013 31 SEAGO SEAGO TIP Amendment #4. Adjustment to Sierra Vista HSIP project SVS13-03 and Cochise County STP projects CCH12-09 & CCH12-10. Approved by Executive Board May 30, 2013. 6/24/2013(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
05/29/2013 30 PAG PAG TIP Amendment #1 Approved by the PAG Regional Council May 23, 2013. 8/1/2013(FHWA) Matt Carpenter
05/24/2013 29 NACOG TIP Amendment #3 includes the following:
--Coconino County CCN 12-002 Luepp Rd: MP428.7-443.2, Design, FY13, $210,000, HRRR
--Coconino County CCN 12-002 Luepp Rd: MP428.7-443.2, Construction, FY14, $833,288, HRRR
--City of Cottonwood CWD 13-003 Sign Panel Replacement Procurement, FY13, $87,795, HSIP
--City of Cottonwood CWD 13-004 Pavement Markings Upgrade Install, FY13, $91,595, HSIP
7/24/2013(FHWA) Justin Feek
05/15/2013 28 CAAG CAG FY13-16 TIP Amendment to delete Eloy projects, Move FY13 projects to FY12 (in order to obligate FY12 funds before June 30, 2013), Increase project funding for Payson, Coolidge, and Eloy, add Gila County Railroad Safety Project. Approved by Regional Council May 8, 2013. 5/28/2013(FHWA) Charla Glendening
05/10/2013 27 ADOT Various ADOT Projects. Approved by the Transportation Board May 10, 2013. 5/28/2013(FHWA) Debbie Mayfield
05/02/2013 26 YMPO Includes amendment 8 & 9 to the 2011-2016 YMPO TIP. 5/28/2013(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
04/19/2013 25 WACOG TIP Amendment #3. Approved by the WACOG Executive Board April 11, 2013. 5/9/2013(FHWA) Matt Carpenter
04/17/2013 24 CYMPO CYMPO FY13-23 MTIP Amendment 4. Increase Regional Sign Project to $3,660,000; add LRTP (SPR$250,000); SR69 Widening $400,000. Approved by Executive Board April 17, 2013. 5/9/2013(FHWA) Charla Glendening
04/05/2013 23 PAG PAG TIP Amendment No. 5 includes 21 regionally approved, fiscally constrained projects for 2013-2017. Approved by PAG's Regional Council March 28, 2013. 4/22/2013(FHWA)
Matt Carpenter
04/05/2013 22 SEAGO SEAGO TIP Amendment 3 includes deferring three projects to a year later, removing a completed City of Safford TE project and adding two ADOT sponsored Railroad Safety Projects at the request of Richard Travis. 4/22/2013(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
03/29/2013 21 MAG MAG TIP Amendment NO 23 & 24 of the 2011-2015 MAG TIP. Covers Several Actions taken by MAG at the Regional Council meeting on February 27 & March 27, 2013. ADOT action to transfer FFY 2013 CMAQ Funds from FHWA to FTA on August 19, 2013. (CMAQ Transfer Request: $11,080,000 CMAQ-FFY 2013 and $943,000 Arterial Life Cycle Program (ALCP) for a total of $12,023,000). 4/22/2013(FHWA)
Bret Anderson
04/12/2013 20 ADOT Reserved for ADOT projects approved by the Transportation Board April 12, 2013. Various ADOT projects. 5/9/2013(FHWA) Debbie Mayfield
03/13/2013 19 FMPO FMPO FY 2013-2017 Transportation Improvement Program, Highway Safety Improvement Program Amendment. Approved by the FMPO Executive Board February 27, 2013. After discussing this program with relevant project sponsor and reflecting on the status of current design or study projects upon which future implementation or construction obligations depend, it was agreed that the requested shift in funds and obligation years was critical to successful obligation. One new project is added to assist with design of an existing project and the overall funding for any project – design and construction – remains constant and reflects recent fee proposals from the ADOT on-call consultants assigned. 3/26/2013(FHWA) Justin Feek
03/08/2013 18 ADOT Miscellaneous project modifications & new projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board March 8, 2013. 3/21/2013(FHWA) Debbie Mayfield
02/26/2013 17 WACOG WACOG TIP Amendment #2. Approved by WACOG's Management Committee and Executive Board on February 14, 2013. 3/26/2013(FHWA) Matt Carpenter
02/28/2013 16 NACOG NACOG respectfully requests revision to the State Transportation Improvement Program to reflect the NACOG FY 2013 – 2016 Regional Transportation Improvement Program. Approved by NACOG’s Regional Council February 28, 2013, TIP Amendment #2 includes the following projects: City of Page PAG 13-006 Pavement Markings FY13 $92,500, City of Cottonwood CWD 13-003 Sign Panels & Pavement Markings FY13 $179,390, NACOG NAC 13-007 Multi Agency Sign Inventory FY13 $251,886, Town of Camp Verde CMV 15-001 Partial Reconstruction FY15 $447,137. Town of Camp Verde CMV 15-007 Reconstruction FY15 $450,000. 3/22/2013(FHWA) Justin Feek
02/14/2013 15 PAG PAG TIP Amendment No. 4 Approved by PAG Regional Council January 24, 2013. 3/22/2013(FHWA) Matt Carpenter
02/05/2013 14 MAG MAG TIP Amendment No. 22 Approved by MAG Regional Council January 30, 2013. 2/21/2013(FHWA) Bret Anderson
02/06/2013 13 ADOT Miscellaneous project modifications & new projects. Approved by the Transportation Board Meeting February 8, 2013. 2/14/2013(FHWA) Debbie Mayfield
02/06/2013 12 CAG Amendment to CAG TIP FY13-16. Numerous adjustments to HSIP projects for the cities of Coolidge, Payson, Casa Grande, Mammoth, and Miami. Added San Carlos BIA Route 6 to HRRRP for $1.3M. Approved by Regional Council January 30, 2013. 2/21/2013(FHWA) Charla Glendening
01/24/2013 11 CYMPO Add SR 69 widening Prescott Canyon to Prescott Lakes Pkwy to FY19 & FY20, add SR signal replacement to FY13, add Safe Routes to School projects in Prescott, change Great Western Corridor from FY13 to FY20 & FY21. Approved by the Executive Board January 23, 2013. 2/21/2013(FHWA) Charla Glendening
01/18/2013 10 ADOT Miscellaneous project modifications & new projects. Approved by the Transportation Board Meeting January 18, 2013. 2/20/2013(FHWA) Bret Anderson
12/07/2012 9 WACOG Miscellaneous project modifications. Approved by the WACOG Management Committee & Executive Board Nobember 8, 2012 and the TAC November 28, 2012. 2/20/2013(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
12/07/2012 8 PAG FY 2013-2017 TIP Amendment #3. Approved by PAG Regional Council December 6, 2012. 2/20/2013(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
12/07/2012 7 MAG Project changes & administrative adjustments to highway projects. Approved by MAG Regional Council December 5, 2012. 2/20/2013(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
12/14/2012 6 ADOT Miscellaneous project modifications & new projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board December 14, 2012. 2/20/2013(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
11/30/2012 5 YMPO Amendment to the YMPO TIP for corrections to project SOM-12_03C and COY-TE-08D. Added project COY-13-04P to FY13. Approved by the YMPO Executive Board October 25, 2012. 2/20/2013(FHWA) Mark Hoffman
11/16/2012 4 ADOT Miscellaneous modifications and new projects. Approved by the State Transportation Board 11/16/2012. 2/20/2013(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
11/01/2012 3 FMPO Modification to HSIP Projects. Approved by the FMPO Executive Board October 24, 2012. not recvd(FHWA) Lupe Harriger
09/17/2012 2 MAG Amend FY 2011-2015 TIP to include future project funding modifications related to FY 2012. Approved by the MAG Regional Council July 25, 2012. not recvd(FHWA) Lupe Harriger