STIP Federal Approval Letter

Date Processed NO. ADOT / COG / MPO DESCRIPTION NOTES Date Approved by the FHWA/FTA Processed By
10/21/2016 53 ADOT Various Projects approved by the STB on 10/21/2016   Pending FHWA Bret Anderson
9/14/2016 52 CAG Project Changes CAG FY-17-27 TIP Amendment Approved by Regional Council on September 28, 2016 Pending FHWA Dillan Kennedy
9/16/2016 51 SCMPO 2016-2025 SCMPO Amenetment number 2
8 Highway and 2 Transit projects
  Pending on FHWA/FTA Bret Anderson
9/9/2016 50 NACOG Defer Construction from FY17 to FY18 for City of Winslow Route 66 Renaissance Streetscape Project; and 2) Increase HSIP funds for Regional Strategic Transportation Safety Plan    9/22/2016 FHWA Dan Gabiou
9/16/2016 49 ADOT Various Projects approved by the STB on 9/16/2016   9/22/2016 FHWA Bret Anderson
9/1/2016 48 MAG MAG Tip amendment number 1 for the 2017-2021 TIP Approved by regional Council on August 30,2016 9/21/2016 FHWA Bret Anderson
8/30/2016 47 SEAGO SEAGO TIP 2016-2020 Amendment #7 to shift and add funding to three projects; GEH-BR-08, GGH12-03 and SEA15-02.   9/1/2016 FHWA Mark Hoffman
8/30/2016 46 ADOT Various ADOT projects Approved by the STB on 8/30/2016 9/1/2016 Bret Anderson
7/21/2016 45 CYMPO Add FY16 FTA 5310 Transit Award Projects, for CYMPO Pending on FTA Dan Gabiou
7/17/2016 44 SCMPO Sun Corridor MPO Conformity Finding for new Projects in the 2016-2020 TIP  Approved June 14, 2016 8/4/2016 FHWA Bret Anderson
7/19/2016 43 LHMPO Approval of the LHMPO FY 2016-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 8/4/2016 FHWA/FTA Dillan Kennedy
6/24/2016 42 MAG MAG 2017-2021 TIP add to the 2016-2020 STIP Approved at Regional Council June 22, 2016  8/1/2016 FHWA Bret Anderson
6/24/2016 41 MAG MAG Tip amendment number 21 for the 2014-2018 MAG TIP Multiple Transit Projects 7/14/2016 FHWA / FTA Bret Anderson
6/29/2016 40 NACOG Approved by NACOG Regional Council on 7-7-16   7/19/2016 FHWA Dan Gabiou
6/29/2016 39 CAG CAG TIP Modification   7/11/2016 FHWA Dillan Kennedy
6/22/2016 38 FMPO FMPO TIP Amendment Number 2 Approved by Executive Board on June 22,2016 6/29/2016 FHWA Dan Gabiou
6/9/2016 37 SEAGO SEAGO 2016-2020 TIP Amendment #5 approved by Executive Committe on June 2, 2016. Amendment adds NOG 14-01 safety project to 2016 and adds additional design funds to project CLF16-01.   6/29/2016 FHWA Mark Hoffman
6/7/2016 36 PAG PAG TIP Amendmend number 7 Approved by Pima Association of Governments Reginal Council on 5-26-2016   7/28/2016 FHWA / FTA Mark Hoffman
6/20/2016 35 ADOT various ADOT projects Approved by the Transportation Board June 17, 2016. 6/21/2016 FHWA Bret Anderson
6/2/2016 34 MAG MAG FY2014-2018 TIP Amendment 20 Includes update of Various roadway projects Approved by MAG Regional Council on May 25, 2016. 6/17/2016 FHWA Bret Anderson
5/23/2016 33 CYMPO CYMP TIP Amenments 2 & 3 Approved at CYMPO Board meeting on 4/16/16 6/17/2016 FHWA Dan Gabiou
5/9/2016 32 SCMPO Sun Coridor MPO Offical TIP 2016-2025 Approved at Executive Board meeting on March 15, 2016 5/31/2016 FHWA / FTA Charla Glendenning
5/3/2016 31 NACOG Various budget changes and adding new projects within the NACOG region Requested TIP Amendment approved by NACOG TAC on April 6, 2016 and NACOG Regional Council on April 28, 2016. 5/12/2016 FHWA Dan Gabiou
5/19/2016 30 ADOT Various ADOT projects Pending Approved by the Transportation Board May 20, 2016. 5/23/2016 FHWA Bret Anderson
5/2/2016 29 PAG PAG FY 2016-2020 TIP Amendment #6 approved by PAG Regional Council on April 28, 2016. Amendment includes increasing RTA funding on three projects and moving project funding for ADOT project 11.14 from 2018 to 2016 5/12/2016 FHWA Mark Hoffman
4/28/2016 28 MAG MAG Tip amendment number 19 for the 2014-2018 MAG TIP Approved by MAG Regional Council on April 27, 2016 5/12/2016 FHWA Bret Anderson
4/5/2016 27 PAG PAG TIP Amendmend number 5 Approved by Pima Association of Governments Reginal Council on 3-31-2016 4/19/2016 FHWA Mark Hoffman
4/5/2016 26 SEAGO SEAGO TIP amendment number Three Approved by SouthEastern Arizona Governments Organization on March 31,2016 5/2/2016 FHWA Mark Hoffman
3/30/2016 25 CAG Seven Project changes and three Administrative changes approved by the CAG Regional Council on March 23,2016 Approved by the CAG Regional Council on March 23,2016 5/2/2016 FHWA Bret Anderson
4/15/2016 24 ADOT various ADOT projects Pending Approved by the Transportation Board April 15, 2016. 4/27/2016 FHWA Bret Anderson
3/23/2016 23 MAG MAG FY2014-2018 TIP Amendment 18 Includes update of Tables A,C,D,E & F Various roadway projects Approved by MAG Regional Council on March 23, 2016. 05/02/16 FHWA Bret Anderson
3/11/2016 22 NACOG NACOG 2016-2023 TIP Amendment #3 Approved By Regional Council on February 25,2016 3/28/2016 Mary Dettlaff
3/23/2016 21 ADOT various ADOT projects Approved by the Transportation Board March 18, 2016. 3/23/2016 Bret Anderson
2/4/2016 20 MAG MAG FY2014-2018 TIP Amendment 17 ncludes various roadway projects from Glendale and Phoenix. Bike and Pedestrian projects from, Apache Junction, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Mesa, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Surprise, and Tempe. Approved by MAG Regional Council on February 24, 2016. 3/28/2016 FHWA Mary Dettlaff
1/21/2016 19 SCMPO Making funding adjustment to (CSG HSIP 15‐01601D) Florence Blvd, Pedestrian Safety Improvements, in Casa Grande Approved by SCMPO Executive Board on 1/5/2016. Resubmitted by SCMPO on 2/7/2016 3/15/2016 FHWA Anson Gock
2/4/2016 18 ADOT various ADOT projects Approved by the Transportation Board February 19, 2016. 3/1/2016 FHWA Mary Detlaff
2/1/2016 17 PAG PAG FY 2016-2020 TIP Amendment #4 changes in funding levels to numerous projects and moving three active projects to reserve status. Approved by the PAG Regional Council on January 28, 2016. 2/18/2016 FHWA/FTA Mark Hoffman
1/27/2016 16 MAG MAG FY2014-2018 TIP Amendment 16 includes various roadway and transit projects from ADOT, Apache Junction, Avondale, Chandler, El Mirage, Florence, Glendale, Goodyear, MAG, Maricopa City, Maricopa County Mesa, Peoria, Phoenix, Pinal County, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Scottsdale, Surprise, Tempe and Valley Metro. Approved by MAG Regional Council on January 27, 2016. 2/18/2016 FHWA/FTA Anson Gock
1/7/2016 15 CYMPO

To AMEND TIP#: CY-PRS-12-10, Gurley Street Pedestrian Enhancement Project, FY16
- ADD $4000 local match to be paid by the City of Prescott. Because the dollar amounts are shown in thousands, $3,705 is shown as $4,000.
To ADD TIP # CY-MP0-16-06, LTAP Training, FY17 - $5,000 STP funds to be designated as local public agencies LTAP Training funds
To ADD TIP # CY-MP0-16-07, Sara Jane Lane and Fain Road Intersection Evaluation, FY16- $25,000 SPR funds with $5,000 Local Match
To AMEND Transit Projects TIP # CY-YYV-16-TR4, Regional Mobility Management Implementation Plan, FY16 - increase 5303 planmng amount by $14,000 for a total of $179,000 and local match by $3,000 for a total of $37,000 for adding an additional task to existing Professional Service Agreement with TransitPius

Approved by CYMPO Executive Board on November 18, 2015. FHWA approval required only after FHWA, FTA and ADOT conversation. 1/19/2016 FHWA Anson Gock
1/5/2016 14 ADOT various ADOT projects Approved by the Transportation Board January 15, 2016. 1/21/2016 FHWA Anson Gock
12/22/15 13 YMPO YMPO 2014-2018 TIP Amendment #8 includes an update to the Transit TIP, adding four bridge projects and adding additional STP funds to Somerton Canal Pathway project SOM-TE-05C in 2016. Approved by the YMPO Executive Board on December 22, 2015. Submitted to FHWA/FTA on 2/4/2016. 2/18/2016 FHWA/FTA Mark Hoffman
12/23/15 12 SEAGO To adds the Zorilla Street Bridge rehabilitation project and add aditional STP funding to the Campbell Blue Bridge Replacement project. Approved by SEAGO Executive Board on December 3, 2015. 1/5/2016 FHWA Mark Hoffman
12/17/15 11 NACOG To add and modify various NACOG projects and the addition of FTA 5310 projects awarded by ADOT. Approved by NACOG Regional Council on October 22, 2015. Revised by NACOG on 12/22/2015. 1/5/2016 FHWA Anson Gock
12/15/15 10 PAG To add one new project and split one Tohono O'odham HSIP-HRRRP project into three seperate projects and adjust funding for various PAG projects. PAG 2016-2020 TIP Amendment #3 approved by Regional Council on December 10, 2015. Revised by PAG on 12/21/2015. Related to PAG FY 2016 - 2020 TIP Administrative Amendment #4. 1/5/2016 FHWA Mark Hoffman
12/18/15 9 ADOT various ADOT projects Approved by the Transportation Board December 18, 2015. 12/21/2015 FHWA Anson Gock
12/1/15 8 SCMPO To adjust funding for HPMS data collection and to add HSIP funds to Florence Blvd, (Pedestrian Safety Improvements project), in Casa Grande Approved by SCMPO Executive Board on November 10, 2015. 12/21/2015 FHWA Anson Gock
11/10/15 7 YMPO YMPO FY2014-2018 TIP Amendment 7 adds the construction phase of the Wellton Coyote Wash bridge project to FY19, moves project YC-BR-04C construction to FY17, Rescope of project COY-16-01, adds additional funding to project YC-13-02C and adds City of Yuma HSIP project to FY16. Approved by the YMPO Executive Board on September 24, 2015. Updated TIP Table on December 14, 2015 by YMPO. 11/24/2015 FHWA Mark Hoffman
11/20/15 6 ADOT various ADOT projects Approved by the Transportation Board November 20, 2015. 11/24/2015 FHWA Anson Gock
10/30/15 5 FMPO FMPO FY2014-2018 TIP Amendment includes adjustment of STP funds for planning studies and the awards of FTA 5310, ADOT STP fund transfer and the placement of 5307/5339 grant applicaton as an illustrative project in FY 2019. Approved by FMPO Executive Board on September 23, 2015. 11/23/2015 FHWA/FTA Dan Gabiou
10/23/15 4 PAG PAG FY2016-2020 TIP Amendment 2 includes various projects from ADOT, Marana, Pima County, Sahuarita, and Tucson. Approved by PAG Regional Board on October 22, 2015. 11/23/2015 FHWA Mark Hoffman
10/30/15 3 MAG MAG FY2014-2018 TIP Amendment 15 includes various projects from ADOT, Apache Junction, Buckeye, Glendale, MAG, Mesa, Peoria, Phoenix, Pinal County, Scottsdale, Surprise, Tempe and Valley Metro. Approved by MAG Regional Board on October 28, 2015. 11/12/2015 FHWA/FTA Anson Gock
10/16/15 2 ADOT various ADOT projects Approved by the Transportation Board October 16, 2015. 10/27/2015 FHWA Anson Gock
9/24/15 1 PAG PAG FY2016-2020 TIP Amendment 1 includes various projects from ADOT, Marana, Oro Valley, PAG, Tucson, and Tucson Transit. Approved by PAG Regional Board on September 24, 2015: Related to FY 2016 - 2020 PAG Administrative Amendment #3. 11/7/2015 FHWA Mark Hoffman