CVO03: Arizona Electronic Clearance

Need Area Description

This service package provides for high speed weigh-in-motion with or without Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI) capabilities. This service package provides the roadside equipment that could be used as a stand-alone system or to augment the Electronic Clearance (CVO03) service package.

Need Area Type


Service Package

CVO03: Arizona Electronic Clearance

Includes Needs

01Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to determine the weight and other characteristics of commercial vehicles operating on its roadways as part of the clearance process.
02Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to collect and maintain electronic records of commercial vehicles and drivers operating on its roadways in order to support efficient clearance operations.
03Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to coordinate electronic credentials and safety records with other commercial vehicle administration agencies concerning commercial vehicles and drivers operating on its roadways in order to support efficient clearance operations.
04Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to perform electronic clearance of commercial vehicle credentials and safety records of a commercial vehicle and its driver in order to maintain the smooth flow of goods through its roadways.
05Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to inform the appropriate parties of issues dealing with the clearance of a commercial vehicle or its driver in order to maintain the smooth flow of goods through its roadways.