County Public Works Vehicles

Status: Existing


County maintenance vehicles and construction equipment that belong to the Public Works Department and largely equipped with AVL.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Arizona CountiesOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE
Basic Maint and Constr Vehicle

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
MCV Environmental Monitoring'MCV Environmental Monitoring' collects current road and surface weather conditions from sensors on–board the maintenance and construction vehicle or by querying fixed sensors on or near the roadway. Environmental information including road surface temperature, air temperature, and wind speed is measured and spatially located and time stamped, and reported back to a center.False
MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction'MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction' includes the on–board systems that support routine non–winter maintenance on a roadway system or right–of–way. Routine maintenance includes landscape maintenance, hazard removal (roadway debris, dead animals), routine maintenance activities (roadway cleaning, grass cutting), and repair and maintenance of both ITS and non–ITS equipment on the roadway (e.g., signs, traffic controllers, traffic detectors, dynamic message signs, traffic signals, etc.).False
MCV Vehicle Location Tracking'MCV Vehicle Location Tracking' monitors vehicle location and reports the position and timestamp information to the dispatch center.False
MCV Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnostics'MCV Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes on–board sensors capable of monitoring the condition of each of the vehicle systems and diagnostics that can be used to support vehicle maintenance. The status of the vehicle and ancillary equipment and diagnostic information is provided to the vehicle operator, repair facility, and dispatch center.False
MCV Winter Maintenance'MCV Winter Maintenance' supports snow plow operations and other roadway treatments (e.g., salt spraying and other material applications). It supports communications with the center to receive information and instructions that are provided to the vehicle operator and also supports remote control of on–board systems. It tracks operational status of snow and ice control operations and provides this information back to the center.False

Interfaces To

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County Public Works
Vehicle GPS and Time Data