Traveler Card-Smartcard

Status: Planned


Traveler Card enables the actual transfer of electronic information from the user of a service (I.e. a traveler) to the provider of the service. This may include the transfer of funds through means of an electronic payment instrument. The device, like a smart card, may also hold and update the traveler's information such as personal profiles or trip histories.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Financial InstitutionsOwnsPlanned
Financial InstitutionsOperatesPlanned

Physical Objects

Payment Device
Traveler Card

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

Cities and Towns Transit Vehicles
County Transit Kiosks
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Independent School District Buses
Local Dial–A–Ride Transit Vehicles
NAIPTA (dba Mountain Line) Paratransit Vehicles
NAIPTA (dba Mountain Line) Transit Buses
Private Transit Routing Service Provider
Private Vehicle OBE
Transit Providers Vehicles (Public and Private)
Tribal Transit Vehicles
YCAT Buses
YCAT Kiosks
YCAT Transit Passes