ADOT/Mohave County LED Enhanced Speed Limit Signs

Number: IGA /JPA 14–0004086–I

Type: Unspecified

Lead: ADOT

Status: Existing


The improvements proposed in this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Project," include
conducting a study to develop safety performance functions and crash modification factors for traffic speed management zones using R2–1 speed limit signs equipped with speed–actuated intelligent warning systems by establishing test and controlled speed management zones, selection of then (10) traffic speed management zone locations, preparation of installation, design and specifications, obtaining required environmental clearances, and performing a comparison of before and after studies of collected safety data and submittal of the results to FHWA for inclusion in the "Crash Modification Factor Clearinghouse". . Up to twenty (20) solar LED enhanced driver feedback speed limit signs will be installed on rural and arterial collector roadways to support an "after" study of collected safety data. The State will administer design, advertise, bid, award and administer the construction of the Project.


Arizona Counties