Interface: Personal Information Devices for Travelers - YCAT Website

Information Flow Definitions
broadcast traveler information (Planned)
General traveler information that contains traffic and road conditions, link travel times, incidents, advisories, restrictions, vehicle requirements, work zones, transit service information, weather information, parking information, and other related traveler information.
interactive traveler information (Planned) Selected Comm Solution
Traveler information provided in response to a traveler request. The provided information includes traffic and road conditions, advisories, incidents, restrictions, payment information, transit services, parking information, weather information, and other travel–related data updates and confirmations.
traveler request (Planned) Selected Comm Solution
A request for traveler information including traffic, transit, toll, parking, road weather conditions, event, and passenger rail information. The request identifies the type of information, the area of interest, parameters that are used to prioritize or filter the returned information, and sorting preferences.
trip confirmation (Planned)
Acknowledgement by the driver/traveler of acceptance of a trip plan with associated personal and payment information required to confirm reservations. Conversely, this flow may also reject the proposed trip plan. Confirmations include the selected route and subsequent trip confirmation messages will be issued for route changes.
trip plan (Planned)
A travel itinerary covering single or multimodal travel. The itinerary identifies a route and associated traveler information and instructions identifying recommended trip modes (including indoor and outdoor wayfinding) and transfer information, ride sharing options, and transit and parking reservation information. This flow also includes intermediate information that is provided as the trip plan is interactively created, including identification of alternatives, requests for additional information as well as amenities along the trip.
trip request (Planned)
Request for trip planning services that identifies the trip origin, destination(s), timing, preferences, and constraints. The request may also include the requestor's location or a request for transit and parking reservations, electric charging station access, and ridesharing options associated with the trip. The trip request also covers requests to revise a previously planned trip and interim updates that are provided as the trip is interactively planned.
user profile (Planned)
Information provided to register for a travel service and create a user account. The provided information includes personal identification, traveler preferences (e.g., travel mode, micro–mobility options, accessibility needs, and assistance needs), priorities for the preferences, device information, a user ID and password, and information to support payment transactions, if applicable.