Interface: Private Transit Routing Service Provider - Cities and Towns Transit Dispatch

Information Flow Definitions
actuate secure payment (Planned)
Initiation of a payment action, ideally based on an encrypted token or biometric marker. Such a payment action could be a simple validation that the secure token allows the user access to the travel resource, or it could be the initiation of a payment transaction.
authorization request (Planned)
Request to determine if a transportation user is authorized to use a particular transportation resource.
authorization response (Planned)
Notification of status of authorization request.
fare collection data (Planned) Selected Comm Solution
Fare collection information including the summary of fare system data and financial payment transaction data.
fare management information (Planned) Selected Comm Solution
Transit fare information and transaction data used to manage transit fare processing.
personal transit information (Planned)
General and personalized transit information for a particular fixed route, flexible route, or paratransit system.
registered secureIDs (Planned)
Cryptographically protected identifier indicating that the user associated with the identifier is entitled to use a particular service.
transit information user request (Planned)
Request for special transit routing, real–time schedule information, and availability information.
transit stop passenger status (Planned)
The number of passengers waiting at a PT stop with optional route and destination information for waiting passengers to allow current demand at each stop to be monitored and factored into current transit service operations and transit performance monitoring. The stop identity is included.
transit traveler information (Planned)
Transit information prepared to support transit users and other travelers. It contains transit schedules, real–time arrival information, fare schedules, alerts and advisories, and general transit service information.
transit traveler request (Planned)
Request by a Transit traveler to summon assistance, request transit information, or request any other transit services.
traveler payment information (Planned)
Information provided for payment of road use charges, tolls or parking fees including identification that can be used to identify the payment account or source and related vehicle and service information that are used to determine the type and price of service requested. The information exchange normally supports an account debit to pay fees, but an account credit may be initiated where pricing strategies include incentives.
traveler payment request (Planned)
Request for information supporting payments. For fee structures that include incentives, the request may support either an account debit or an account credit or reimbursement.
user account reports (Planned)
Reports on services offered/provided and associated charges.
user account setup (Planned)
Billing information, vehicle information (or registration information), and requests for reports. Also includes subsequent account changes.