Small Patch

A patch is an area where the original pavement has been removed and replaced by a filler material. For condition evaluation, patching is divided into two types: small (less than 5 ft^2 [0.5 m^2]) and large (over 5 ft^2 [0.5 m^2]). Large patches are described in the "Large Patch" section.

Severity Distress Example Description
Low Overview photo of a transverse joint with a small rectangular PCC patch along the joint on one of the slabs.            The patch is in very good condition with no visible signs of distress. Patch is functioning well with little or no deterioration.
Medium Overview photo of two small PCC patches on either side of a transverse joint.            Both patches show cracking within the patched area. Patch where deterioration or moderate spalling, or both, can be seen around the edges. Patch material can be dislodged with considerable effort (minor FOD potential).
High Close-up of a rectangular PCC patch that is divided into more than five pieces.            The cracks that divide the patch into the different pieces are very wide high-severity cracks. Patch where deterioration or moderate spalling, or both, can be seen around the edges. Patch material can be dislodged with considerable effort (minor FOD potential).