Arizona Department of Transportation
Engineering Consultants Section  

Welcome to the Electronic Contract Management System (eCMS)

 Submitting Statement of Qualifications (SOQ)  

The purpose of the electronic Contract Management System (eCMS) is to provide efficient and easily accessible tools to help firms more effectively submit and view needed information to successfully conduct business with the Engineering Consultants Section (ECS) of the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).  

  • Firms must be Pre-Qualified through ECS before they can submit online SOQ proposals through eCMS. Firms not prequalified through ECS should give themselves sufficient time (at least 7-10 business days) to submit and have their prequalification application reviewed and approved prior to the time they want to submit an online SOQ proposal through eCMS. Consultants should visit ECS Prequalification Page for more information and instructions.
  • eCMS has been developed to work best with Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 8 or higher. ADOT cannot guarantee successful submissions from firms using other browsers and will not be responsible for the non-receipt of any SOQ proposals.
  • It is important to Register for the contract that you submitting for. Register link can be found under the Current Advertisement on the ECS Website.
  • The file size of uploaded SOQ PDF document must not exceed 15 megabytes (MB) unless otherwise stated in Request for Qualifications. Proposals exceeding 15 MB will be rejected.
  • SOQ proposals must be submitted on or before the due date and time stated in the RFQ Package. ECS encourages firms not to wait until the last minute to submit their SOQ proposal as the server is busiest the last two hours before an SOQ deadline and firms may be more likely to experience technical problems during that time. SOQ Proposals or any documents submitted after the due date and specified time will automatically be rejected.
  • Submissions that do not follow the instructions and formatting requirements outlined in the RFQ Package will be rejected.
  • Completed SOQ proposals must be converted to Adobe PDF File format before submitting it. ECS strongly encourages that consultants print and review their SOQ PDF document prior to uploading it to ensure that the PDF SOQ proposal document meets all RFQ instructions in SOQ format requirements and that it is completely legible.
  • Selection Panel Members will review and score SOQ Proposal documents online. To help facilitate this review, firms are required to enable the comment feature in their PDF SOQ file before saving and uploading the file for submission to ECS.
  • For Supplemental Service Contracts, firms can submit more than one SOQ proposal for the same advertisement. In this case only, firms may upload multiple PDF files (one per person) for the same contract advertisements. All other advertisements should have just one submittal per firm. Consultant shall refer to the RFQ for instruction and requirements for submittal of SOQ.
  • Prime Consultants submitting and SOQ must check their Subconsultants list with the eCMS Database. A list of current registered Subconsultants is available on ECS Website prime Consultants submitting an SOQ must add each Subconsultant that you will use as part of the Project Team. Prime Consultants must be sure to add all and only those Subconsultants which are expected to work on the project in the Subconsultants portion of the online SOQ submittal. If you need to add a Subconsultant to the list please email request to [email protected] and allow two business days to have the Subconsultant added to the system.
  • Firms are not able to edit or correct information in their SOQ submittal once the “Submit SOQ “ button is clicked and the SOQ proposal has been submitted. If the firm wishes to correct a proposal. The firm will need to resubmit another SOQ proposal before the response due date. In that case, the Department will utilize their last SOQ Proposal submitted in its consideration and evaluation.
  • When the SOQ proposal has been successfully submitted, a confirmation screen will appear with a submittal confirmation number. ECS recommends that the firm print this screen for its records.

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